Instructions 6


The gallery below shows many ways in which the BoxTopper has been configured to accommodate a wide variety of cameras.

Take your time, practice, and determine in advance the best mounting setup for your camera(s).

If you have any problems or questions, just send us an email and we will get back with you promptly.

We hope that the BoxTopper opens up lots of new possibilities for your vintage photography! Please do share your experiences with us! 

Correct and Incorrect Orientation

Correct and Incorrect Orientation


Regardless of how securely your camera is mounted to the BoxTopper, NEVER orient your BoxTopper so that it is vertical, in order to change from portrait to landscape or vice versa. Instead, simply re-mount your camera on the BoxTopper as shown. The BoxTopper was designed to support your camera from below, not to have it hanging off its side!

Also, when using your BoxTopper, check frequently to make sure the clamps and straps are remaining tight. Movement of the tripod during walking, adjusting it for a shot, etc can cause the camera to shift, possibly loosening its connection to the BoxTopper. 

Click on Pictures for Details

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